Saturday, February 28, 2009

Night time Dance in Night time pants

This is my first blog. Committment to anything outside of dancing is...well, let's say something that I am working on becoming better at. This blog is a small step in that direction.
I'm setting this up as a means to share my experiences as a contemporary dance artist.

Currently I am in Calgary and part of the close and friendly Calgary dance community. These first entries are going to be short as I am finishing a thesis for an MFA in contemp. dance choreography and performance. I may chat about that more later, when it is all over and done with...but not now:)

Well first thing's first, I'd like to talk about going out dancing. For me, the best time to go out dancing is after seeing a dance show. After sitting that long and taking in all that inspiration, there's nothing like letting it rip on the dance floor.

I saw Alberta's Dance Explosions last week at Dancer's Studio West in Calgary. After seeing some of Alberta's choreographic movers and shakers I naturally felt inspired by the performances and was happy to discover DJ Rice at the Ship and Anchor.

As I am a contemporary dancer I am learning to get grounded and down into the floor in a whole other way here in Calgary with the DJD jazz infused into the community. Going out dancing is a great way to see what styles my body is picking up and integrating into my natural movement patterns. I'm glad for the bits of Funk, Swing and the bit of African that has krpt into my movement. Thanks for the House and Funk DJ Rice.

Afterwards, it was only 2:30 and I couldn't go to bed without another hour and a half of living room dancing when I got home. Yes, I have a life that allows for living room dancing until 4:00am. Taking in the night and allowing the fantasy that is available to my brain at that time is something that will always be a part of my life- and why not:)

This morning, I taught 2 and 3 year olds and ran around the studio following the spontaneous explosions into space that is available to them. I realized why 4 am is so important to me- it's the time when my imagination comes first and judgement falls away.

That's it for now, who knows where this blog will go as I am much more of a mover than a writer;)